The biodynamic approach is
The founder of the work, Dr. William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954) talked about involuntary motions within a core system.
He called it primary respiratory mechanism (PRM), which consists of following 5 elements:
Dr. Sutherland taught that these 5 elements express their inherent motion, as regular rhythms and fluctuations.
According to his hypothesis, such movements are the expression of a primary respiration, an original inner breath.
He called "Breath of Life" the spark of ignition, the motive force to these inherent cycles, which regulate and regenerate the body.
The term "craniosacral" refers to the structures of cranium (head) and sacrum (tailbone) and their anatomical connections. It is a term, which indicates the anatomical main elements of the original approach.
The discipline that studies the dynamic aspects of life processes on the basis of the laws of mechanics. It presumes the recognition of vital forces involved in the formation and maintenance of life.
Over the years of research and direct experience, Dr. Sutherland observed that the phenomena with which he was working during the treatments, were not only related to the motion of the bony structures. He postulated that the tide-like motion felt in the body is an expression of an organising principle, an inner physiological intelligence connected to health.
The main principles of craniosacral biodynamics:
The Breath of Life expresses the universal intention to create and maintain life.
It is the creative life force that reconnects us to the inherent health and that expresses the dynamic, everchanging ordering matrix.
The Breath of Life acts as a therapeutic force, expressing within the body as primary respiration, a slow, steady, rhythmic, regular motion.
The subtle rhythms of the life forces can be felt as an intrinsic tide, or as an involuntary inner breath. They are already present during intrauterine life and contribute to the formation and development of the embryo. This inner respiratory rhythm is present before the breath of air and therefore is called primary respiration, to distinguish it from the pulmonary breathing, which is considered secondary.
The regulating cycles of primary respiration can be perceived in the wholeness of the body as fine, inner, involuntary rhythms. Supporting expression of these cycles allows the treatment to always be systemic and holistic.
The rhythmic cycles of primary respiration are present from our first moments of existence. They create and form our body as embryo and continue to express and shape us throughout all of our life.
Primary respiration brings vitality to the cells and underlies all metabolic processes. It is instrumental for the maintenance, repair and regeneration the body.
The Craniosacral Biodynamic practitioner relates to primary respiration as the main source of evaluation and the basic force guiding the therapeutic process.
Primary respiration expresses in different rhythms and qualities:
Health is ever present.
In this context health is not the mere absence of illness, symptoms or problems, but the harmonious cooperation of all the vital force, which sustains us through life.
The balanced rhythmic interchange between motion and stillness organises the metabolic functions of each cell and all fluids of the body.
The expression of health is felt in the potency of the tide and can be observed and cooperated with as regulating inner processes.
The biodynamic concepts understands that health is present and recognisable even in the symptom or in the illness. The practitioner develops the perceptual skills necessary to recognise and support the presence and the action of health for the benefit of the client.
In biodynamics we observe and support life in motion.
We also cultivate the presence of the stillness of life.
During treatment there may be longer phases of rest, in which the harmonious functions of the physiology can be reestablished.
In moments of stillness the inner, involuntary functions are reorganized, bringing forth more balance and a clearer expression of health.
In stillness the mind can expand, the body can rest, the heart gets calm.
The depth of stillness brings clarity, it supports access to vitality, the organism can access the forces of Health and attune to them.
Ländlistrasse 119
CH-3047 Bremgarten
Mobile +41 79 253 83 77
International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
Cranio Suisse®
Swiss Association for Craniosacral Therapy
Italian Craniosacral Association
Swiss quality management certificate
Swiss registry for complementary medicine
© 2015 - 2025 ICSB, International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing®