The teachings of Diamond Logos are based on a deep understanding of the human being, its true nature and original self.
They describe in a precise manner the manifestation on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual plain. They name the psychological obstacles that can be in the way.
Diamond Logos Teachings invite to a path that supports the innate essential human qualities of love, clarity, will, dignity, joy, strength, compassion, passion, peace.
In different courses we deepen the ability for inquiry, mindfulness, presence and contact that allows the integration of processes, that is so important for development, growth and transformation.
Diamond Logos Teachings looks at ego and personality not as a phenomenon to fight and battle with, but to understand and befriend their function and intention.
We understand that they are structures that have developed in childhood and which have lost attunement with the essential qualities of the being.
This loss is experienced as an energetic deficiency or void and builds the core of the personality and its different facets.
The loss of the essential qualities are being compensated through ego and personality structures, which imitate the lost essential qualities and do not have their vitality and abundance.
Unfulfilled personality structures lead to belief systems, opinions, attitudes, habits, emotions and actions which show as obstacles, problems and deficits for the unfolding and expression of essence.
Instead of fighting them, Diamond Logos teachings uses them to access the lost essential quality.
Ländlistrasse 119
CH-3047 Bremgarten
Mobile +41 79 253 83 77
International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America
Cranio Suisse®
Swiss Association for Craniosacral Therapy
Italian Craniosacral Association
Swiss quality management certificate
Swiss registry for complementary medicine
© 2015 - 2025 ICSB, International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing®